
Murderer back on the crime scene

Manslaughter: Accidental Death with Criminal Implications

Involuntary manslaughter is a serious crime that occurs when someone unintentionally causes the death of another person through their reckless or criminally negligent actions. A conviction for involuntary manslaughter carries a sentence of 15 years i… Read More
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Categories: Murder
Online movie streaming with laptop computer, Visual concept of a criminal defense blog discussing legal penalties and defenses for distributing child pornography.

Distributing Child Pornography: Legal Penalties and Defenses in Michigan

The State of Michigan refers to child pornography as Criminal Sexually Abusive Material, or CSAM. It is used to refer to material that depicts people under age 18 performing sexual acts. Distribution of child porn is a serious crime that carries seve… Read More
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Categories: Sex-Related Charges
Cropped shot of a police squad car outside at night. Visual concept for a criminal defense blog discussing habitual offender and repeat offender status.

Understanding Your Habitual Offender Status

The repeat offender law in Michigan imposes harsher sentences on people with prior felony convictions who are convicted of another crime. These sentence enhancements generally include longer prison time and additional, more severe penalties. If you a… Read More
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Man pulling a concealed .41 Magnum pistol from his waistband visual concept for a criminal defense blog discussing Michigan laws and penalties for armed robbery.

Michigan Laws and Penalties for Armed Robbery

Armed robbery is a serious criminal offense that carries substantial penalties, including a maximum sentence of life in prison. It is punished more severely than other theft crimes because it involves the use of a weapon. If you were charged with arm… Read More
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Categories: Theft
Criminal aiming gun camera, threatening burglar at victim. Visual concept for a criminal defense blog discussing assault with intent to commit murder, its penalties, defenses, and how Elmen Legal provides experienced representation in Michigan.

What Is Assault with Intent to Commit Murder?

Assault with Intent to Commit Murder is a felony that occurs when someone assaults another person intending to kill them. It is a specific intent crime, which means the jury must find the defendant actually intended to kill the victim to find them gu… Read More
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Categories: Assault, Murder
Worried caucasian man waiting for the cops to search his car trunk while searching for a criminal evidence. Visual concept for criminal defense legal blog discussing illegal search and seizure.

Illegal Search and Seizure: The 4th Amendment Explained

The Fourth Amendment protects people against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. It states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be… Read More
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Brass scales are placed on lawyers desks as a symbol of honesty and justice. Visual concept for a legal blog discussing the rights of the accused: from police questioning to trial.

Rights of the Accused: From Police Questioning to Trial

Anytime a person is arrested on suspicion of having committed a crime, they have legal rights and protections that extend throughout the criminal legal process. These rights and protections remain in force at all times and were intended by the Foundi… Read More
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Gavel and stack US paper currency on the table. Visual concept for a legal blog discussing cash bail its role in the justice system, and how it affects defendants.

Understanding Cash Bail In Washtenaw County, Michigan

A person arrested and charged with a crime can often post bail to be released and allowed to go home. Bail is an insurance bond that guarantees a criminal defendant will appear at future court hearings and trial. A defendant who fails to appear for a… Read More
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Illustration depicting an illuminated green roadsign with a fresh start concept. Sunset sky background. Visual concept for a criminal defense blog discussing the updated Michigan Expungement Law.

The Process of Expungement: Starting Fresh

Changes to Michigan’s expungement law make it easier to have your criminal record expunged, creating new opportunities for jobs, housing, and education. While these changes make more people eligible for criminal record expungement, the new expungem… Read More
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Angry man with clenched his fist. Visual concept of violence in a blog that discusses assault with intent to do great bodily harm.

What Is Assault with Intent to Do Great Bodily Harm

Assault with Intent to Do Great Bodily Harm is a serious crime, and a conviction almost always results in jail time. To protect your rights and defend yourself in court, you need an experienced and aggressive criminal defense lawyer who will carefull… Read More
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